By Braebrae
United Kingdom
what type of soil for japonica
21 Feb, 2014
There should be two words on the plant label, with Japonica as the second. What's the first one? If you haven't got a label can you describe the plant - eg shrub or herbaceous, flowers, time of flowering, any fruit etc.
21 Feb, 2014
The only plant I've heard people call Japonica is Chaenomeles japonica - if its that, it likes fertile, well drained soil in partial shade. Will also tolerate full shade, but doesn't flower quite so well. Not fussy about soil ph.
21 Feb, 2014
japonica is quite a common species name for several genera of plants, Anemone, Aucuba etc so we will need more info
21 Feb, 2014
My Pieris Ralto Rose has japonica on the label as well, so pleased to see this query as not sure where to plant it..
21 Feb, 2014
Bamboo I dug up a Chaenomeles out of dads garden before we sold the house and transplanted it at the bottom of my garden, its never flowered for me although is growing well, was always lovely in his garden, by what you say I guess its too shady for my shrub, so thanks for that....
21 Feb, 2014
Bamboo, will it stand south facing with very wet soil in winter?
22 Feb, 2014
South facing is fine, Steragram, but it doesn't like having wet feet to much, prefers well drained soil, so not sure how it'd cope if it was really wet every winter.
25 Feb, 2014
Its so hard to find anything for that spot. I did have Carex pendula, against everybody's advice, but you were all right, its had to go! Wonder why Braebrae hasn't got back to us.
25 Feb, 2014
What about Carex Evergold? Might need a bit of water in summer drought though, and maybe it doesn't get tall enough for what you want. Doesn't have the same tendency as Carex pendula to take over the world...
26 Feb, 2014
I've just had a look - thanks for the suggestion, but it isn't really big enough. I wanted something about four feet tall and not quite as much across - a well trimmed chaenomeles would have been just the job, with flowers and fruit as a bonus. Never mind, press on.
26 Feb, 2014
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« Hi, can someone identify this for me please. I know it's either a snowdrop or...
Not too sure what you mean by "Japonica"'s a bit of a generic term.
21 Feb, 2014