By Timxs
County Durham,
United Kingdom
hello, is there a clematis that would be happy growing in a pot ? i would like to grow one over an arch as the arch is over a path there is no soil either side to plant in to the ground, or could any one suggest another flowering climber that would grow in a pot. Thank you Denise
8 May, 2010
Almost all my clematis's (clemati?) are in pots as that's the way they were planted when I moved here, but I'm sorry I don't know what any of them are! At the beginning of the growing season I scrape out as much of the soil I can from the tops of the pots, feed them & top up with fresh soil. They seem quite happy. It's important to try to keep the roots cool if you can, by having the pot in a bit of shade, but the plant itself likes sun. Over an arch would be fine!
8 May, 2010
thank you Lauren and cornishsally, im off to the garden centre now i know they can be grown in pots.
9 May, 2010
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I just bought a lovely clematis called Josephine. It says that it is great for growing in a pot. It has lovely flowers.
8 May, 2010