By Sugarbevs
United Kingdom
I have heard that growing marigolds near tomato plants keeps the insects away. Is this true and should I grow then in the grobag next to the tom plants or in small pots nearby, or doesnt it matter which? Many thanks. Sugarbevs.
9 May, 2010
Ah yes, I thought that was okay. Once again, thank you. x
9 May, 2010
You should use French marigolds. African types don't have the same repellent factor. Especially for nematodes.
9 May, 2010
Wow, I didn't know that, I shall ahve to go and buy some.
9 May, 2010
Thank you...yes I had heard that somewhere before. x
9 May, 2010
Why would you want to keep nematodes away Wylie? We are usually adding them to keep slugs at bay... I thought it was pot marigolds that you used.
9 May, 2010
marigolds are excellent and a lovely flowering little plant to!
9 May, 2010
While there are different types of nematodes, there is the root-knot type that attack tomatoes. Since the question included tomatoes, this type of nematode (Meloidogyne spp.)causes reduced growth,wilting, yellowing and fewer tomatoes. Reference:
The Ortho book of vegetables also claims marigolds will repel the Colorado potato beetle, but I don't think you have to worry about that (unless you see one).
9 May, 2010
Thanks Wylie I hadn't heard of that nematode before... I hope I never see a Colorado potato beetle!
9 May, 2010
Gosh that was an interesting conversation. What are nematodes?
9 May, 2010
Take a look at this website for a comprehensive answer
10 May, 2010
Thanks Moon grower.. will do. x Have a great day.
10 May, 2010
You too
10 May, 2010
Yes growing marigolds with tomatoes is good companion planting. I'd put the seeds in the bag along with the tomatoes. For more info on companion planting go to
9 May, 2010