By Peedee65
Hi all, i have 2 tubs with Daffodil ` CHEERFULNESS` This year the display has been poor, out of 40 bulbs only one flowered, i have some in the border and they are flowering their little hearts out, any idea why my pots have let me down ?

10 May, 2010
Thanks , so i feed them now with ? and when the foliage dies off, dry them off and replant in autumn ?..
10 May, 2010
No, I wouldn't take them out and dry them off at all, I'd leave them in situ and plant over them if you want summer bedding in there. Feed with a topdressing of Growmore once, or once a week with something like Phostrogen or Miracle Gro general purpose, for six weeks while the foliage is present.
10 May, 2010
Ok, thanks again
10 May, 2010
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If these are bulbs you had last year, and they've been in the same pots, did you feed them once they finished flowering last year? Or did you take them out of the pots and dry them off and then replant last Autumn? Bulbs like this store food for next year as the flowers go over, for about six weeks, so in a pot, unless you fed them, they weren't able to do that.
10 May, 2010