By Felinfan
United Kingdom
Do any of our friends make their own pot pourri? I dislike thes chemical, very commercial versions. If you do, can you please give us some hints re. which flowers to grow (apart from lavender and roses of course) and how to deal with them. If this is not possible, does anybody know where I can buy the genuine stuff?
Look forward to a reply or two.x
10 May, 2010
Thank you for that Hijuju, that gives gives me more to work with and I already have some essential oils to try.
11 May, 2010
Previous question
Ive done my own pot pourri before, ive used Rosemary , any variety mint, Lemon balm , dried slices lemon, dried slices orange or lime., cinnamon sticks , cloves.
Of course Lavender and heavily scented Rose petals
When you do your own of course you must dry them on some paper on a tray and dry for about 24 -48 hours, preferably in a airing cupboard.I did read that you could add essential oils to the pot pourri
11 May, 2010