East Sussex,
United Kingdom
not sure if anyones up this late but worth a try lol
ive bought some lrg plastic pots....there are three prong things poking up from the bottom..drainage holes i presume...
my question is..do i just pierce a hole through the prongs..or am i sposed to remove them all together so that there are just three holes??
I presumed they would just snap off....but they wont lol
thanks :-)
10 May, 2010
Green i have also bought these my hubby just put a hot poker through the bottom an made 3 new holes,plants doing fine hope this helps !!! :~)))
10 May, 2010
thats what i thaught mobee what are the prong things ? please
10 May, 2010
its hard to describe lol...there are no holes just the prong like things which weve poked holes through..and ive got broken crocs in bottom....im still not sure theyre right tho,...cos the holes arnt flush with the very bottom of pot if oyu know what i mean lol...anyhoo its soooooo klate im off to bed...thanks !
11 May, 2010
If you put the poker or use a drill through the top of the prongs, and add crocks to the bottom of the pot, the area below the holes acts as a reservoir of moisture to reduce the need for watering.
11 May, 2010
they are like 'cones' Np that rise about 2 inches from the base as said above we madeholes in the top of the cone --- which is quite small 1/2 inch--- if that-- and so we filled the space without any holes with drainage material --- worked fine for a while but lasr years wet summer caused the pots to fill wit water
11 May, 2010
as long as theres drainage i guess thats all that matters .i was just being nosey lol.
11 May, 2010
A row of holes at 6" intervals round the pot above the level of the top of the prongs would allow excess water to drain off. I know people can be snobby about plastic but I find it very versatile. I use a hot poker to drill the holes as the heat seals the cut very nicely. I have also used my kitchen blow torch gadget when I was in a hurry.
11 May, 2010
thank you every one for your replies and help!
I was a little tired when i posted the question so sorry if i didnt make sense lol..
yes pamg!!! just like you describe lol...and we managed to make holes in the top of them and then i put crocs in bottom too....
dont mind anyone being nosey -noseypotter...im the same lol
and thanks scotsgran youve made it all cleaar now why the prong-thingies are there lol...makes sense i guess
good idea mobee! and others who suggested hot poker...was bit hard with a screwdriver..lol...
Id love pot pots but the cost is just too high for me so placcy it has to be...lol
thanks everyone!!!
11 May, 2010
Pot pots are very nice,greengrowing,but if you don't protect them for the winter,sometimes they crack with the frost,or you can put them inside.You can buy frostproof,but very expensive,and most you buy are only frost resistant,..a big difference.Plastic are fine,much cheaper,and some look really nice now.There is no need to be snobby about them at all,to my mind...good luck with your "prongs" :o)0
11 May, 2010
plastic is very versatile but sometimes not so nice looking but you can hide plastic pots with other bigger pots or wrap them or paint etc .
11 May, 2010
Ive got little ones and little grandchildren too so safer to have plastic lol....
and im kinda clumsy too....doubt theyd last long in our household!
hadnt thought of painting them tho or putting inside bigger pots..hmmm some good ideas to pinch!
....i dont mind them really...and dont have the cash to spend on posh pots lol....
11 May, 2010
Hi Np, I find being 'nosey ' ! is the only way to learn... :o),
and I want to bet that your painted pots are gorgeous !
11 May, 2010
ow i dont paint pots but i would i build big concrete planters myself big is best but being nosey is the only way to learn .as you say pam .i would personaly knock the bottom write out of pots that are plastic as it is very versatile like green sais and im clumsy and disabled lol not a great combination with breakables . lots of clay plant pots arnt fired past about 800 degrees but to seal clay it has to go past about 1150 degrees . it just saves the pot making companies electric and makes sure when your pots crack in frost wear the water has got in you buy more of there pots . made like lots of consumer goods are to break .anyone with a lot of clay type pots i recomend you get a tin of thompsan cement sealer and mist spray them to seal them.i know some are fired correctly but lots arnt and you are better safe than sorry .i have made planters bye blowing up inner tubes fill in the gap with damp sand between the floor and the inside of the inner tube.you just get very wet 2 sand 2 1 cement and dribble it round .let that go hard and then put a good 2" layer of cement on the hole inside and over the top a bit . make a drainage hole .maybe put some leaves in the wet cement .cover in dry sand for texture.leave for a couple of 3 days.let the inner tube down,scrape the sand away .bobs your uncle . considering you can get inner tubes from wheel barrow size to monster truck or large tracter you can make some brilliant planters. you can put one inside the other from big to small and run a bit of hose up the inside and have an amazing water feacture for the price of cement,sand and elbow grease and a bit of room .i just think plastic a has its place in your garden and i love improvising especialy when a lot of what you are sold for the garden is actualy rubbish eg my st burnard walked through 1 of those 6` fence panels enfersis on walked and not my terrible spelling lol .i have just done a blog on my garden etc and there are many things on utube under noseypotter to look at . if a man with a knackerd back and a walking stick can do this . imagine what you can do with 2 arms .
11 May, 2010
nosey potter ..your a breath of fresh air!....
love the inner tube idea..im off to be nosey too...at your garden blog...:-)
11 May, 2010
theres more than one way of skinning a cat lol .not that i skin cats you understand lol xx .
11 May, 2010
im the only true nosey but i dont mind you being nosey to lol
11 May, 2010
I'll sign up to the nosey brigade. You will know you are dead when you stop learning. I have an advantage of course as I have a 'Guid Scots tongue' in my head. lol, you are great fun nosey.
11 May, 2010
duno what i was expecting to find nosey...but it certainly wasnt what i found!
The way you chatted made me think you were quite old(no offence lol) and old you deffo arnt!
Just sat with my 5 yr old looking at your pics...all but the tats........they freaked her a bit lol....
she thinks your pics are "the best" and loves your garden..specially the water feature....wants to know if you swim in it? lol...
love the tree-man-sculpture?..and the "hole" wall as well....deffo not putting pics of my little corner up now! lololol.....(well not til ive spruced it up lol)
You obviously love your art...in many forms.... :-)
11 May, 2010
ow do put it up you got to start somewear havnt you .no i dont swim in my pond i leave that to my fishes lol though i have had to wade across it and how do i put this tactfully . the water couldnt be a worse depth unless i had to swim lol .
depends what you call old realy .
next to your 5 year old i am old i guess
its know affence thinking im old you cant help building up a mental picture in your mind about someone can you .anyway if i can help in any way young lady lol just ask xx.
11 May, 2010
lol@young lady...im not far behind you age wise!
but in my head im still in my 20's haha....
one question....ive got my plants in my conservatory...wiich is glass with a perspect roof.....how much ventilation should they have?
12 May, 2010
it realy depends on the plants but if i were going to grow in a conservatry id regulate the heat as they can get realy hot .you could get a green house electric heater after checking your plants needs .these heaters can be baught for about £15 and have fans and thermostats in them.and they are resistant to condensation .
12 May, 2010
hadnt actually considered it might be too cold in there for them lol...was more worried not nuff ventilation ...
the conservatory isnt heated at such.....gets warmth from main lounge-have internal sliding door i leave open so heat goes through....tho at mo hardly have main heating on.....you think its too cold in there at night when heating goes off then?
the door from conservatory to outside it a huge sliding door...and obviuosly i have small windows too....
if its fine out i leave the huge door open a little (as you might in a greenhouse) but when its cold i dont....but read somewhere still needs ventilation for plants??
12 May, 2010
best thing is to get a thermostat in the shade.
12 May, 2010
Previous question
i dont know what you mean.most plant pots only have holes in the bottom for drainage but these could be there for drainage and to stop the soil running out though you sre supposed to put broken flowerpots etc in the bottom to stop this . i dont know without a photogragh.the thing is if you do just break what ever these are out and are left with drainage they will work perfectly.
10 May, 2010