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By Anthfez

wrexham, north wales, United Kingdom

Can anyone help me please ? i planted a rhubarb crown last December which had grown to 2 feet by the end of April. I had to move it, thanks to next doors overgrown, mouse infected "garden". I removed all of the rootball and planted it the other side of my garden. Since then, the rhubarb has wilted and seems to be dying. Can i still save it this year if not, will it grow again next year ?



i would water it well and perhaps cover it to force it . if you do lose it there not to much money so dont worry to much .

10 May, 2010


Did you take all of the stalks of rhubarb off, is it the stalks which are wilting. Remove them and new fresh ones will grow away from the root. You do need to keep plants watered after moving them to keep them alive until they put out new roots. Take comfort it is almost impossible to kill rhubarb. Put some well rotted farmyard manure round the plant but not touching it to give it a feed and help keep it moist..

11 May, 2010


i'd water well and not force it. at this stage you want it to make roots. not stems. so forgo the crumbles etc this year and it should be ok next year.

11 May, 2010


Agree with Scotsgran and SBG treat to encourage new root growth, remove the wilted leaves and do not attempt to harvest at all this year let the leaves grow and help to feed the crown.

11 May, 2010


thanks all. much appreciated.

11 May, 2010


sorry about giving you what seams to be the worst possible advice lol but at least i know now lol .

11 May, 2010


Ach NP we are all learning

11 May, 2010


thanx moon grower till the day we die i believe

11 May, 2010


oh yes and then the last bit of info might just be too late to learn from :o)))

like the new avatar, hadnt realised it was you till mg said so np.

11 May, 2010


i took that photo at a local zoo i was well chuffed with it seaburngirl

11 May, 2010

How do I say thanks?

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