By Rosie_jo
Isle Of Wight,
United Kingdom
What chance have I got of moving my Prunus Kanzan tree and not killing it ? It is about fifteen years old and approx ten feet tall. It's going to be in the way of our new conservatory : ( Many thanks Rosie_jo
12 May, 2010
You'll need heavy lifting gear, like a small crane, with a huge tarpaulin, and a rootball at least the size of the crown of your tree, and as deep. Might be easier to buy a new one and chop this one down - certainly would be cheaper.
12 May, 2010
so it is a 50:50 chance try it and fingers crossed.
12 May, 2010
Previous question
Hi. I think you can get people in to move tree's professionally, I would if I was you, as it will be a big job at that size I would think. Good Luck.
12 May, 2010