United States
should I place Lagerstroemia plants in sun or shade? zone 6
On plant
13 May, 2010
Thanks, but this ref. is to crepe myrtle, not the lily-like flower that is a perennial. Any other suggestions? thanks
14 May, 2010
Could you post a photograph please. Perhaps we might be familiar with it under a different name. Lagerstroemia is related to Loosestrife and Lysimachia (both perennials) but neither seems to fit your description.
14 May, 2010
If you're referring to Lagerstroemia indica ... then it needs to be planted in full sun if you want the best blooms.
14 May, 2010
I'm familiar with it. Here we plant it in afternoon shade, Liz, to cut down on the watering necessary to prevent sunburn. In your area, it would probably be better to keep it in full sun, to prevent powdery mildew. On the other hand, zone 6 is cold enough to make planting one of the hybrid types better, to resist frost, and they also resist mildew.
14 May, 2010
Hi Liz thank you for saying it is actually Alstromeria you have. Best to put comments in the answer this Question box so that we know what you are talking about. It likes full sun but will survive in semi shade but will then we a bit weak and straggly. Welcome to GOY.
14 May, 2010
Oh, Alstroemeria. Sorry, Liz, I'm still experimenting with this, and my experience so far wouldn't help much.
14 May, 2010
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Try this link Liz it gives lots of information on your plant. http://hort.ufl.edu/trees/LAGINDA.pdf It recommends full sun in rich moist soil. There are several varieties.
13 May, 2010