By Cammomile
west sussex, United Kingdom
Someone knocked a pot over in my garden and I discovered last years begonias in it. They had weevil grubs in the soil around them so I brought them indoors to dry off. They have now started sprouting but I am loathe to plant them up and put them outside as I don't trust the weather. Would they keep as they are in a cold room?
- 26 Feb, 2014
yes pot them up and keep them frost free. unheated room/porch /window sill in a shed/garage that sort of place.
27 Feb, 2014
Thank you both. Yes I can find a sheltered spot. Now all I need is a new pot!
27 Feb, 2014
I take it you checked the corm for vine weevil grubs and treated them? I ask as they core into Begonia corms and you do not see them until the have grown and you have a holey corm.
27 Feb, 2014
They have been sitting on some newspaper in the kitchen for a few weeks now and I thought I had picked the weevils out. What do you recommend I treat the corms with?
27 Feb, 2014
If the corm feel solid with no voids then it should be fine if it has been dried out. If you can see holes then give them a poke to see if any are still feasting with a pencil.
27 Feb, 2014
Do the weevils use pencils to feed with then? Just joking. Thank you.
27 Feb, 2014
You could always drench them in vine weevil killer, just to be sure.
28 Feb, 2014
I am thankful for all your advice. The begonias were delivered to my late sister's house after she passed away last year so I don't want to lose them. I think they are called Firecracker and are a lovely bright orange - her favourite colour.
28 Feb, 2014
Haven't you got anywhere under shelter to put the pots? I usually start mine off in a tray, which I have done, and it's in the cold frame.
27 Feb, 2014