By Barleymead
United Kingdom
I have hardy fuschias growing leaf on old wood should I cut them back to the ground?
- 1 Mar, 2014
Would you then cut them right back as usual Bloomer ?
1 Mar, 2014
I cut mine back in about April, if it a bit warmer, they will then grow well.
1 Mar, 2014
I agree with Lizzie,April should be fine.maybe towards the end of that month,depending on the weather conditions..
1 Mar, 2014
I've cut mine right to the ground already - leaf break had occurred up all the stems, but usually, I'd do this in early April. On the other hand though, I wouldn't normally expect to see leaf break before then, and this has been an unusually mild winter. If you're somewhere warm, like in a city in the southern half of the country, or in the west generally, I'd cut them by the end of this week, provided no sudden cold is forecast.
The advice from the Fuchsia society is that fuchsias do better if cut to the ground, but it does rather depend on which fuchsia it is - F. magellenica and its varieties seem to do rather better if just tidied up a bit, whereas the hardy hybrids with larger flowers do, in my experience, look better later if cut to the ground.
I usually decide to cut based on how strong the growth is - if its bushy and thick halfway down the stems, that's where I cut to.
1 Mar, 2014
Given that Barleymead hasn't specified which part of the country he/she lives in,it is just based on conditions where I live in Yorkshire..and we are always behind those of you living much further you should,as Bamboo says,be able to prune them right down much earlier..
1 Mar, 2014
Weird this year though Bloomer - I found weeds germinating over a month ago in Uxbridge, though that's a pretty built up area too. It's almost as if we haven't had a winter, other than a brief cold snap early November.
1 Mar, 2014
I wait until I can see new growth coming up from the roots before cutting back hard. Better too late than too early as there can be a surprise late frost even in the South West - we had a -10 in March a couple of years ago after a very mild winter - the new leaves on the old stems were all killed off. Don't count your chickens.
1 Mar, 2014
I to wait and would never prune back and till mid April as we can still get hard frosts and snow in April.
And never put my potted fuchsias out untill June.
1 Mar, 2014
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I would leave them for a while yet,as although they are hardy,we may still have bad weather to come..the old stems help to protect the roots,and new emerging shoots....mine are doing the same,but I will leave them till the risk of hard frosts are gone..
1 Mar, 2014