Fountain without a pump.just using laws of nature and physics
By Zuzuska
I would like to ask, if somebody has experience , how to build a fountain without a pump? We have several springs in our garden, and would be happy, if we could utilise it for building some fountain, or waterfall, but we don´t know how, and didn´t find anyth. on net. The richness of the springs is approxim. 5 litres/minute, but the problem is, that the springs rises on the lowest part of the garden. Thank you, if sbd. will answer or help me to find some good guide...and sorry for my english.
16 May, 2010
oh, thank you very mch for your answer, I didn´t thought sbd. will answer, I will talk to husband ybout and we will see, what can we do and I also will try to find Chatsworth on web, if there will be someth. about it.
Thank you so much and have a nice day
16 Jun, 2010
Zuzuska, please don't appologise for your English, it is far better than my command of any other European language, never mind Slovakian!
To my knowledge, the only way that you can have fountain without a pump, as you describe, is if you benefit from living in an artesian basin. An artesian basin is a depressed area of land surrounded by clay covered ground so that the water cannot emerge as springs. The water flows underground until it finds a porous surface when it emerges. If you can drill through the clay the water will force it's way upwards with some force and make a natural fountain. This idea is used in some fancy English gardens, such as Chatsworth in Derbyshire, to produce some fantastic water features.
Perhaps you could try excavating at the top of your property to see if you could hit the water. You could try your hand at divining to see if you have the 'gift'.
16 May, 2010