quel terre pour les mettre en pot
On plant
Osteospermum jucundum
18 May, 2010
Terre ordinaire c'est bien, Guest. Alors - ils prefferes le jardin, pas en pot? Est-ce que c'est possible? Comprenez vous? Pardonnez moi - mon Francais n'est pas bien.
18 May, 2010
Well said Spritz, I didn't know the answer but I did understand the question. I did think they would prefer being in the ground as opposed to a pot but wasn't sure!
18 May, 2010
Lousy French, but I hope the guest understood! :-)))
18 May, 2010
Well I could so I assume our guest would! Lol
18 May, 2010
LOL...that's 'exactly' what I meant, Ian! My comment probably said something very odd....;-/
19 May, 2010
Previous question
« What type of plants do you suggest for a 20 ft front garden?
Our guest is asking "how to grow them (Osteospermum jucundum) in pots! I don't know the answer but at least I can translate the question! Lol
18 May, 2010