By Turno
United Kingdom
I would like to start growing some veg unfortunately my plot is shaded by a wall to the south which is 6ft high so casts a shadow during the hottest times of the day East West sun is ok what veg / salad crops would you recomend ?
18 May, 2010
I was going to say much the same MG. As long as they get a good few hours each day then you should be fine. I would also suggest you go for quick growing crops as it's getting on a bit in the year for longer growing veg!
18 May, 2010
Members of the squash family may complain, though. Squash, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and gourds are all subject to fungus diseases without ample sun.
19 May, 2010
Yes, this is why I didn't mention them... they really do need wall to wall sun to do well.
turno you may still be able to buy brassica seedlings in your local Garden Centre, possibly celeriac and peas/beans too. If you can and they look healthy this will give you a head start. Otherwise as Ian suggests Quick growing veg. Carrots can be eaten when they are small and the others allowed to grow to full size, spinach beet is quick growing crop as are summer turnips. You can plant up to a month later than the packet says usually - you will simply have a smaller crop and, in some cases, have to watch out for frost in autumn. It would be well worth getting some tatties in if you can to help clear the ground.
19 May, 2010
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Hi Turno and welcome to GoY. You don't say how big your veg. patch is or what you have done to prepare so these are just suggestions. Peas; beans, dwarf, runner and broad; brassicas; carrots; turnips; parsnips; potatoes... Not getting the noon day sun isn't a problem so long as the crops get sunshine for at least part of the day.
18 May, 2010