By Valerie2
North Carolina,
United States
I just got some border starlight lilly bulbs and I am wondering if I can plant them now or do I have to wait until the fall to plant. They are supposed to bloom summer to late summer?
19 May, 2010
I have planted some about 3 weeks ago and they are up already. they may well bloom later for you. I am hoping these will.
19 May, 2010
I hope so Seaburngirl. If not, there is always next year.
19 May, 2010
I would think you could still plant, but will just mean that they will flower later - won't take long to grow up.
19 May, 2010
Well I planted them May 20th and they are now up and blooming beautifully. Today is August 11th, so it didn't take very long. Do I have to do anything to
them over the winter or will they just come back up next summer?
11 Aug, 2010
Just keep watering and feeding them until the leaves die back naturally. That will fatten up the bulbs for next year.
11 Aug, 2010
Thanks Tugbretil. I have some Turks Cap Lily's that didn't bloom this summer.
Should I dig them up and replant them in a different spot.
12 Aug, 2010
Maybe. Possible problems include not getting enough light last year. That can be cured by some creative pruning of trees, or by moving to a sunnier spot, though they don't need full sun.
Other potential problems include having the foliage cut off too soon last year, drought or lily beetle damage then, or small or damaged bulbs. If any of those are the case, you might want to give them another year before deciding to move them.
12 Aug, 2010
OK Tug. Will give it another year and see what happens. I didn't cut off the foliage last year and no sign of any beetle damage so guess I will just have to wait and see what happens.
12 Aug, 2010
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Valerie, now's not the best time to plant, but lily bulbs don't keep. So I would plant them anyway, so they can grow, and consider any flowers you get this year to be a bonus. They should be glorious next year.
19 May, 2010