By Bobbyjoe
United Kingdom
Will a ants nest damage plants
19 May, 2010
Ants are a pest. They move seeds and cause all kinds of problems. I pour boiling water on them!!
19 May, 2010
Yes, boiling water is very useful, especially if you have pets. As soon as the water cools it won't hurt things, including around the fishpond.
19 May, 2010
but pouring boiling water round the plants will seriously damage the roots. and if it werent for ants some seeds like cyclamen wouldnt get distributed.
19 May, 2010
Previous question
Yes because they disturb the soil in the root area. Try using a white puffer powder or hoe regularly if they are not 'in' the plants crown. The ants don't like to be regularly disturbed.
19 May, 2010