bought a hibiscus rosa sinensis last year.flowered outside all summer but is now looking dead with no leafs although has been inside all!!
19 May, 2010
Not the rosa-sinensis, Ian! It's a tropical shrub. When you say inside, Guest, I hope you meant a sunny bay window, or a heated greenhouse. A long time in the basement or garage would be a hard life for a hibiscus. If the stems are still green, keep it in a sheltered, sunny spot, protected from the cold that I hear is still flirting with the UK, and feed it lightly to encourage new growth. Be careful not to water too much now that it is leafless, since it isn't using as much, and this species is subject to root rot in soggy soil. Good luck!
20 May, 2010
My apologies Guest, as I said I'm not a flower expert (much prefer veggies! Lol)
Thanks for sorting me out Tugbrethil. You learn something everyday here on GoY!
20 May, 2010
Hibiscus are late flowering plants although you should be seeing some greenery by now. I'm not a flower expert but I did think Hibiscus prefer being outside all year round!
19 May, 2010