By Scottish
Has anyone ever had any success moving a Clematis that's been in the ground for 6 years?
Lifted one today - the root ball was massive, now I can't help but wonder if all the effort, and I mean effort, was worth it! It was in an awkward spot now that the shed was moved.
4 Mar, 2014
Thanks Shirley - seems like I did it at just the right time. It was now stuck behind the shed, which has been moved. It would not have been happy in such shade so was worth the risk.
The rootball was huge and thankfully I managed to move it without any damage and I planted it deeper than it was. So fingers crossed :)
5 Mar, 2014
I'm sure it will grow well for you :o)
6 Mar, 2014
In my Raymond Evison book 'Clematis for everyone', he writes:
The replanting of an established garden clematis is always a challenge but with care and a bit of luck it may be achieved. The only time when success can reasonably be expected is during the months of very early Spring before bud break when the plant is in its dormant period, or at least just coming out of dormancy.
The plant should be planted 5cm deeper than in its previous position. The large-flowered cultivars are the safest plants to re-establish, the fibrous-rooted species the most difficult as their very fine roots drop away as they are being moved and with very little root being retained re-establishment is generally not possible.
Go for it!!!
4 Mar, 2014