By Irenepl
United Kingdom
I have several pots of daffodils which flowered last year, but are all 'blind' this year. How can I encourage them to flower again?
6 Mar, 2014
as above and spread them out in new ground as the have used all the goodness in the soil in the pots they need nourishment like ourselves
6 Mar, 2014
You feed them well this year to produce flowers for next year.
6 Mar, 2014
And don't cut back the foliage - let it due down naturally as it is helping to feed the bulb.
6 Mar, 2014
It is a tad early to think that they are all blind. Mine in deep shade are still coming up, those in full sun are opened/about to. All look smaller than last year is my observation.
6 Mar, 2014
Also, Irene, if they are shoulder to shoulder in a shallow pot, they have probably been forced, and will be next to impossible to bring into bloom in the same pots. I would feed them for now, and make sure that they get excellent light, and repot into more and deeper pots when the leaves die down, or put them out in the garden. Even so, they may wait until 2016 to bloom again.
6 Mar, 2014
Thanks for all your advice, I will feed them and plant them out in the garden later in the year. Fingers crossed. irenepl
thanks for all your
6 Mar, 2014
Feed weekly with a high potassium (the K part in the NPK) liquid feed whilst the foliage is present, let it die down naturally, or at least until the leaves start to yellow, and you should have flowers next year.
7 Mar, 2014
Feed them and then feed them again. Foliage feed is good and a general ones watered in.
Personally I think they do better if planted out in the garden rather than kept in pots.
6 Mar, 2014