Anemone Nemerosa
By Simbad
United Kingdom
I'm developing an area of woodland and would like to grow some anemone nemerosa I have one plant that I bought in flower which is doing very well but have found some lovely varieties from rhizomes despatched in September/October, never having grown them before I wondered are these plants best planted in the green or will the dry rhizomes do just as well?
7 Mar, 2014
Thankyou Owdboggy thats great to know, the only thing now is to restrain myself!!!
I'll do that with the seeds plenty of room to fill :-)
7 Mar, 2014
When do they emerge Owdboggy? I bought a blue one in flower last year and no sign of it yet.
7 Mar, 2014
Mines only just poking through the soil Stera.
8 Mar, 2014
Mine isn't. I put quite a thick mulch on the area last autumn and am worrying it might be too thick for it- but they do emerge through fallen leaves in woodland so I'm hoping.
8 Mar, 2014
The ones here are just about visible under the mulch, but it should be another 2 weeks before they flower.
And yes they should be able to come through a thick mulch as long as it is not heavily compacted.
9 Mar, 2014
Keeping everything crossed then!
9 Mar, 2014
Hard to walk with your legs crossed, though!
9 Mar, 2014
Yes, the dry rhizomes will be just fine.
Also if you have one, then you can sow any seeds and get a lot more very quickly. Collect the seed when it is still green but will come off the plant easily. Sow straight away and keep moist. No heat needed. It will germinate in spring.
7 Mar, 2014