By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Camellias again!
I know lots of similar questions have been asked about camellias this week but I have failed to solve my problem with this far!
It only had 2 flowers this year...and last.The buds were damaged last year, I fear. However, something is attacking it. I've sprayed it with insecticide, have fed it and applied sequestrine tonic...all to no avail. As you can see from photgraphs, some leaves are half eaten, they are yellowing increasingly.....BUt new flower buds are forming! Is it a lost cause?

21 May, 2010
Give them a good Ericacious feed (as Janey says) and a good mulch and water with rain water if poss.
21 May, 2010
I actually have fed it with a feed specifically for ericacious plants...the one mentioned on here a lot!...but to no avail.I added ericaceous compost as a mulch and also used Sequestrine. Overkill?......or I wonder if something else is attacking it...
22 May, 2010
The soil around the camellia looks dry, stony and poor. Unless you have put a large amount of ericaceous compost into the planting hole I doubt the camellia is ever going to be really happy. You might find it does better for you in a large pot at least fora few years. The damage to the leaves also makes me wonder if vine weevil aren't eating them.
22 May, 2010
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« What companion herb should I plant with my camellia japonica
I have 2 Camellias that haven't done very well either Izzy. I think they like acidic conditions, plenty of water and shade. Yours looks as if it is lacking nitrogen with the yellowing leaves. A good feed would probably for plants that love acidic conditions, Camellias, Azalias and Rhododendrons.
21 May, 2010