By Wohlibuli
gwinnett county, georgia,
United States
I saw a shrub at a local park today and I did not recognize it. Maybe someone can tell me the name from a description..... It was about 3-4 ft tall and had 2 inch smooth edged oval leaves that came to a point, and small about 3/4 inch flower at the end of the branch. The petals were tubular and curved upward forming a cup shape. There were many petals on each flower but the most distinctive thing about it was that the flowers were so dark a red they looked almost black.
The plants were in full sun and are just starting to bloom in my area, (southern US zone 7). It was a lovely plant and I'd appreciate any guesses so I know what to look for.
23 May, 2010
Well, I didn't have my camera with me at the time, so I thought I'd see if anyone had a guess... if no one can help, then I'll try to take a photo next time I take the dog for a walk in the park. : )
23 May, 2010
Difficult to guess at as you live in USA, where plants grow which we don't have over here - you might be lucky and someone from your country will answer you with an educated guess! Otherwise, we do need a photo if possible.
24 May, 2010
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any chance of a picture please wohlibuli
23 May, 2010