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Vegetable window box

United Kingdom

I have a rather odd situation - I have a classic small London garden in which I'm trying to grow a variety of veg. I have recently had some decking put in, and around the edge are two 'troughs' made of brick, very narrow (maybe 5 inches), about 2 1/2 foot long and about 2 foot deep. I would love to plant veg in there with attractive foliage and maybe unusual colours, to be harvested either in the Winter or early Spring. Obviously, it has to be not too space-loving, and with decorative foliage. Any ideas? Or should I just resort to planting bedding plants?



Hello, you could plant a variety of different lettuces, tom thumbs a good one, as it's small like size of a tennis ball, and there's a new one called dazel which is very nice looking - puple I think?! but both suitable for small areas. There is also a new pea called "half pint" that can be grown in container, i've got mine growing in a small pot and it seems to be going okay. If I think of anything else I'll let you know... Happy growing!

Best wishes Lucy :-)

11 Jul, 2008


Hello Clariejdavies
Patio veg is becoming very trendy and there are several new and exciting varieties
Aubergine Mohican grows to 45 cm and give furit size 10 to 15 cm
Capsicum - Redskin- Sweet red bell pepper
Capsicum Mohawk - Swet yellow bell pepper
Tomato - Red Robin Small very sweet tomatoes
If you want a small hot pepper then try one called Hot purple this is approx 45 cm tall and has green/purple and white foliage. Fruit is approx 3 to 5 cm and is first purple then turns to red. Unless you like a vinderloo then use only one in your cooking.

11 Jul, 2008


small beetroot has an attractive red leaf, mixed lettuce leaves , for the winter try swiss chard or could also try herbs, whatever your fav's are, could save youself a fortune !!

11 Jul, 2008

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