By Rohima
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hello again. One of my Spiraea's has been allowed to grow tall and leggy. Not sure if it's an Alba or Bridal wreath. It has just finished flowering. Only one side has new leaves on it the rest is just the spent flowers. If i was to prune it all right down to about a foot or two would it die or put out new growth. If not should i just cut all the bare branches out?
24 May, 2010
Thank you Bamboo. Your right, if it dosn't survive i can always replace it. So the chop it is. Think i will leave the job until tomorrow as it is just too hot for me today. Supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow. But then its back to cool temperatures again. Poor plant's. They must probably be so confused.
24 May, 2010
Yea, they're not the only ones - working in a coat only 9 days ago, now it's too hot to work outside at all!
24 May, 2010
Certainly remove anything dead or weak with impunity - as for the rest of the plant, you're supposed to prune back a bit after flowering, but if it looks terrible, I'd risk it and take more off to get a good shape. But then I always do risk these things with run of the mill, relatively inexpensive and readily available plants - as far as I'm concerned, if its looking tatty or shapeless or not contributing to the general beauty, then it gets a good chop on the understanding that I'll replace it if it doesn't do better, lol! Never had a loss yet though.
24 May, 2010