By Beetle
County Down,
United Kingdom
Hi just wanted advice on a nice hedge to plant along my garden next a busy road. Low maintenance, evergreen with a flower if possible. needs to grow to about 5ft. Was thinking of a laurel although I know it has no flower. Advice welcome. Beetle
25 May, 2010
The laurel you want is Aucuba japonica, the spotted laurel - this gets about 8 feet max, but you can trim it back to keep it lower. Otherwise, what about the ubiquitous Privet, or if you don't mind prickly hedges which flower, Berberis darwinii.
25 May, 2010
An alternative hedging plant I would consider is Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin'. What it lacks in flowers it more than makes up for with its striking red new foliage each spring.
25 May, 2010
If you were fancying a laurel which is a bit of a thug in the garden, something similar with white flowers in spring and a bit less of a thug, is a choisya
common name mexican orange blossom. It grows to a max of 8ft wide x 8ft high you will acheive your hedge fairly quickly aswell. There are different varieties i.e dark green evergreen leaf or a very bright yellow one. If you
google it there is lots of info, also I tried nd tested it, I have had a choisya
hedge for about 15 years and still looks good! Happy choosing!
25 May, 2010