By Cazoo1
United Kingdom
Hi its that time of the year again and Ye Ha the sun is shining!!! I would like to know when is the right time to prune a Myrtle shrub. Mine is a bout 4ft high but I am worried if I do it now I might be about to cut off the flowers, altho there are no buds on it at the moment. Thanks
9 Mar, 2014
Any shrub or climber that flowers from July onwards, is carrying the flowers on new wood. So in answer to your question, you are not cutting off the wood that will carry the flowers. But as Derek says, myrtles need a long, hot summer to flower. Fingers crossed we get a good one again.
9 Mar, 2014
Thanks for the information. This shrub is quite established and I seem to think it has always given us flowers. It is in a sheltered sunny spot so maybe that helped. It just need tidying up.
10 Mar, 2014
Hi, these flower from summer to autumn, for free standing plants they're pruning group 9, which means a light trim, early to mid spring, if they're grown against a wall, it's pruning group 13, which means you can cut back to 2 or 3 buds from the main framework, for Myrtle this is also in spring, unfortunately they need a long, hot summer to flower, Derek.
9 Mar, 2014