By Fatlad
I've planted corbra beans in my heated potting shed they r just coming through can i put them into my greenhouse
12 Mar, 2014
Thanks for your reply Myron. I haven't sown my Cobra beans yet as I thought it was too early. I didn't know I could plant them out at end of April, thought I'd have to wait till way into May. Would staggered sowings prolong the cropping period as they tend to stop sooner than the ordinary runner beans?
13 Mar, 2014
Sorry Feverfew, it was late last night when I wrote that and for some reason thought it was April now, haha. You're quite right, should be May after danger of frost has gone.
As for staggering them, I really don't know but I'm sure that someone else could answer that one.
13 Mar, 2014
Hi Myron, I don't know much about veg, but Fatlad lives in Geurnsey, so planting them out at the end of april may be ok there, Derek.
13 Mar, 2014
I've sown some in pots now! If it's too premature & they don't hold out till then I'll just have to sow some more later, fortunately I have enough. Nice to know that others forget where they are! :-)
13 Mar, 2014
Derek, you're right. I didn't notice fatlad was in Guernsey, so even planting them out now should be ok.
Feverfew, I'm always forgetting where I am, but fortunately for me I always seem to remember where I need to get to, LOL.
13 Mar, 2014
They are half-hardy, so they should be ok to go into the greenhouse now to start to hardy them off then plant them outdoors around the end of next month.
12 Mar, 2014