By Sophiem
United Kingdom
Is it safe to eat our potatoes if the cats go the toilet around them?! I think it must be but 2 people have told me it will be fine!
26 May, 2010
Cats go to toilet in our gardens and we eat the potatoes. The soil is full of various organisms anyway and most people peel or, at least, scrub root vegetables before eating them. These organisms do not enter the vegetable but would only be present on the outside.
26 May, 2010
Er thanks to both of you! I am confused now though!
26 May, 2010
Presumably the potatoes are going to be washed, peeled/scrubbed and cooked at a high temperature. I can't see a problem, not much could survive that treatment.
26 May, 2010
I thought that people use organic fertilizers because they don't want the chemicals vegetables absorb from the non-organics. There are warnings on the bags of cat litter that "used litter not recomended for garden use"- Tidy Cat.
26 May, 2010
Sophiem, No, it's not safe. Their feces carry organisms that are harmful to humans.
26 May, 2010