By Michael1970
United Kingdom
i haved a shaded area at the bottom of the garden which has been unattended,what plants can i grow which would attract all sorts of wildlife
27 May, 2010
Native plants are usually most wildlife-friendly. Ivy is a great resource for insects - especially if you can let it get mature - if the flowers can get into the sun they produce lots of nectar late in the season, and it provides cover for birds to lurk in. Bluebells do well in shade (make sure you get English ones, H. nonscripta, not Spanish ones H. hispanica, and it's illegal to dig them up from the wild), yellow archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) is attractive and provides nectar in spring, foxgloves are easy, bugle makes a pleasing carpet and there are some different leaf colours, primroses and primulas in general prefer shade. Violets and hellebores prefer shade, I find that geraniums (NOT pelargoniums) and sweet williams can put up with it.
27 May, 2010