unusual trellis painting problem, i have six trellis,s 6 ft by 6 ft that need painting the same colour as the wall, which was painted a few years ago (not a oil paint). the problem is i have different espalier fruit trees well established, fixed to the trellis, question is in the dormant season could i spray trees and trellis with a spray gun same water based paint as the wall. (they might look well at christmas ) do you think it would harm the trees,
17 Mar, 2014
use a brush and paint with.............. will come back to you on what it is called , but doing my fence with it hugs, dave, ps hard wlork with a brush
17 Mar, 2014
Do you absolutely have to paint the trellis? I think it looks nice left natural.
18 Mar, 2014
I would not recommend your spraying a living tree with paint! Bad enough the sprayed heathers… The trees will not be able to breath properly if you spray them with paint and, even in the dormant season, the flower and leaf buds are forming, or formed.
17 Mar, 2014