By Izzy134
My garden has become overrun with what I think are wild onions. They smell 'oniony' when I pull them up. I deep dug the plot last year and got rid of millions of, what looked like pearls, but they are back with a vengeance. What can I do to get rid of them?
17 Mar, 2014
Yep, I agree, it's wild garlic, which has pretty white flowers in May. Leave a wee patch and use the leaves in salads and soups, or wilted just like spinach. Yum.
17 Mar, 2014
I'm not sure, but I think I've heard it was introduced by the Romans so it's been around for a very long time! Do you have any old woodland nearby? Some of the woods in the Sussex Weald have lots of it. I can see why you wouldn't want it in the garden---scent is a bit overpowering!
17 Mar, 2014
Thanks folks. The only trouble is it's smothering bluebells and new plants that I put in last year and a strong weedkiller would kill everything!
18 Mar, 2014
Wild garlic leaves are quite broad, and the wild onion ones are more grass like. Both will spread but the garlic smells a lot stronger and smother stuff more quickly. Remedy for both is the same though, patient digging out. You nay find a slot where you could spray after the bluebell leaves have died back though.
18 Mar, 2014
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Sounds like it could be wild garlic and they get everywhere. You could try a systemic weed killer when, they have grown some leaves, otherwise its going to have to be the hard way - dig them out or pull them out.
17 Mar, 2014