By Beanygro
United Kingdom
I have recently planted some runner beans and broad beans in pots in the greenhouse, both of which had been saved from the previous years crop. The broad beans are o/k but the runner beans have all rotted, they were both planted in the same compost and were watered the same. Any ideas why.
19 Mar, 2014
I was going to say the same for the runner beans, too cold, too wet and too early, wait till late April and warmer weather.
19 Mar, 2014
Hi Beanygro and welcome to GoY, agree too cold, too wet, too early. It is always tempting to start veg off early but it really doesn't serve...
19 Mar, 2014
also the runner beans are smaller than the broad beans so take up less water than the bb. hence why they rotted off.
20 Mar, 2014
i save runner beans from year to year, no 1 did you leave the beans seeds on the plant till the very end as they could be immature and not fertile . no2 you could have over watered them and seen it still very cold they rotted. no 3 its very early for runner beans to be planted, may is the right time for outside a bit earlier indoors.
19 Mar, 2014