Feeding pond plants
By Great
United Kingdom
ive just been looking at accessories for ponds do pond plants need feeding? If so how often?
29 May, 2010
Thats what I thought. But as I am new to pond keeping I'd thought I would ask. Just visited a web site as I need to buy pond plants and it says to add tablets to the water baskets!!??
29 May, 2010
I don't add anything to mine. The fish poo is all they probably need.
29 May, 2010
lol No fish not even a water flea - not yet anyway. How long excately do I have to wait for wildlife its been 27 days lol
29 May, 2010
Go to someone else's pond and (with their permission) take a bucket of water, and possibly some sludge from the botttom, back to your pond. Things will find it soon!
29 May, 2010
thanks, am a bit worried about introducing infection. Do I need to worry?
29 May, 2010
Great your pond is tiny... it will balance itself out very rapidly - unless you add so many plant is can't cope!
29 May, 2010
Because of our long, hot growing season, I used to feed the pond monthly with fish emulsion, about 5 ml per sq. meter of water surface. In the UK, I would be surprised if you needed to do that even once. I'm with MG on this, too: in pond design, less is more. An overcrowded pond is a maintenance nightmare, Great!
29 May, 2010
if you took a lilly root and tied it to a stone to keep it on the bottom and dropped it in some fresh water in a bucket it would grow quite happily as would most water plants.
30 May, 2010
Thanks nosey as always sound advise. When I get a lily is it better tied to a stone or in a pot?
30 May, 2010
mite look nicer in a pot i think maybe but it doesnt realy matter.
30 May, 2010
Thanks again Nosey. Its a shame you live so far away you could sort my pond out for me lol
30 May, 2010
well i would if i did but i think your getting there anyway xx.
30 May, 2010
Thanks mate x
30 May, 2010
your more than welcome anytime my love xx.
30 May, 2010
Categorically 'No' as planting them in a compost containing nutrients will just poison the water. Most if not all water plants get their nourishment from the water and just draw the odd mineral from the soil which is mainly used to anchor them. If you added feed to the water or plants you would encourage the growth of algae and pond weed.
29 May, 2010