By Beattie
United Kingdom
How do you label your plants? I've tried writing with a variety of so-called permanent felt tips on cut up bits of margarine and ice cream tubs but find that in a couple of months, or sometimes just a few weeks out in the garden the labels have faded to illegibility. I'm now trying out writing in pencil on special tags sold as plant labels, but I'm not too hopeful. Any suggestions of the right combination of surface and pen?
29 May, 2010
I use a permanant black pen and write on old lolly sticks, or the sticks you can get from the coffee bars, I always bring mine home because they only throw them away!
29 May, 2010
Thank you both. I tried wooden lolly sticks and the wood went black so that the writing couldn't be read really quickly. I'll have a look for an eddings pen on ebay - haven't seen them in village shops.
29 May, 2010
Using gloves and tinsnips, cut up aluminum cans into strips, and cut off the sharp tips of the corners. Use steel wool to polish off the label printing, and to blunt the sharp edges. When you need to use them, put one on a few sheets of newspaper as a pad, and write the info with a ball point pen. That will make a permanently embossed metal label. Excellent for bonsai, succulents, or alpines, which may stay in the same pot for years.
29 May, 2010
I have found the pens refered to by Sbg above, sold as Cd writers, to be the best. And, following a tip on here last year, I sometimes write on flat pebbles which look so much neater than plastic tombstones
29 May, 2010
Himself then covers with a clear varnish! Which he has forgotten to say - seems to work well.
29 May, 2010
I sometimes use the plastic knives used for outdoor Bulba's pebble idea..:>)
29 May, 2010
Some great ideas - I'll try out a variety of them. I've bid on some pens on ebay. Fingers crossed.
29 May, 2010
I've won a box of 10 eddings permanent markers on ebay for a startlingly small price - the postage is double the amount. If anyone wants to try one, PM me!
30 May, 2010
Previous question
eddings permanent black pens were trialed by the hps/rhs [not sure which] and they were found to be weatherproof for at least 4 yrs.
I tend to make plans of the bed and write their postion in pencil. then if they die I can rub them off the plan. I also take photos and add them onto my plant profile on GoY
29 May, 2010