By Frenchsoul
Dear Monty
On one of your programmes you showed a plant which looked like cow parsley but was not as robust. I have seen it growing wild on the roadsides in the Med and in gardens here. It smells like anise and the flowers are bright green in colour . I cannot find it now but want to grow some. The flowers grow at the top of the stem.
Can you help me.
Thanking you in anticipation
Sawtry Huntingdon
6 Apr, 2014
Hi it is aniseed it is more likely to be one of the Fennels. They have the flower form you describe.
6 Apr, 2014
Hi Frenchsoul, welcome to GoY, I would just like to point out to you that this site has nothing to do with Monty Don, so unless someone has watched gardeners world, and recognizes the plant you're asking about, the most you can hope for is an educated guess, having said that, there are a lot of very experienced gardeners on here, and someone asking a question, usually gets an answer or even a few answers, Derek.
6 Apr, 2014
Sounds like Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis Odorata.
6 Apr, 2014
It could be Angelica you are after.
6 Apr, 2014