By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have this Hemerocallis and the name is driving me mad.
I cant get beyond the Chantilly
before my brain does 'lace has a pretty face'!
I bought it from Parkers in 1996 along with Bonanza and Aribba.
Its a dusky pink and tends to keep some of its leaves unless it is a very harsh winter. Later to flower than some so doesn't usually get the Hemerocallis gall midge
Any idea anyone.
I had hoped to add the photo from my files but it wont do it. So there is a photo with my blog asking the same thing. what is it?
6 Apr, 2014
Hi Sbg it was Chantilly lace in your photo's in 2009 lol, Derek.
6 Apr, 2014
I have just looked at the info I have found thanks to Wylie.
So my mind was playing tricks. It is Chantilly Lace [who does have a pretty face!]
Hybridized by F Childs in 1963.
6 Apr, 2014
The photo on your blog helped. It looks like Chantilly Lace (Childs,F. 1963), Diploid & dormant.
6 Apr, 2014