By Johnoconnor
United Kingdom
We have an old garden and garden organically. I moved an old Belfast sink to the other side of the garden and left it there on the earth for a few weeks. When I lifted it I found a dozen or more dead earthworms. They were white. The birds have since eaten them. Any ideas why this could have happened? We don't use pesticides or fertilizer.
Thanks - John
7 Apr, 2014
Agree with SBG the weight of the sink and the lack of light caused their death.
7 Apr, 2014
It's worth lifting big pots such as sinks onto bricks - just as you would put terracotta pots onto pot feet.
It helps with drainage in the sink and creates a bit more ground for rain to soak away/ run off.
8 Apr, 2014
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Could be dead possibly from the weight on the soil preventing them getting oxygen and they would be white as they had started to break down.
I wouldn't worry unduly.
7 Apr, 2014