By Glynis
United Kingdom
please could you name these plants/shrubs and how to look after them

31 May, 2010
Welcome, Glynis!
The top of the first picture looks like a viburnum, possibly V. suspensum.
The bottom of the first picture is a firethorn (Pyracantha) but it's hard to tell which one.
The second picture is a tamarisk, probably Tamarix pentandra.
31 May, 2010
Thanks, have many more shrubs to name as i have just taken over a garden
So i may be a nuisance for a while - im a complete novice.
31 May, 2010
Ha! posted at the same time, Pam!
31 May, 2010
31 May, 2010
Hi Tug, just looked again at the top one and i see what you mean, It confused me as mines six foot high cloaking a pergola pole !
31 May, 2010
Previous question
this is a complete guess how about top Spirea and bottom tamarisk?
31 May, 2010