United Kingdom
hi guys, my nasturaniums are roughly about 4 centimeters in length and its april so do you reckon that my flowers have a chance to mature this year and seed or are they a little to late??
12 Apr, 2014
ok thnx sheila
12 Apr, 2014
Hi, what are Nasturaniums ?, never heard of them, Derek.
12 Apr, 2014
googel it they are bueatiful plants with bright flowers and lily pad like leaves.some can climb while others grow bushy and they attract lots of butterflys and bees(note:they are also anualls which means you must replant them the following spring but usally you can pick of the seeds or they will seed themself :)
12 Apr, 2014
Hi, google came up with Nasturtium, and wouldn't acknowledge Nasturanium, is it a new hybrid of some sort, sounds like a cross between Tropaeolium majus and pelargonium, which I wouldn't have thought possible, as they are in different genus, Derek.
12 Apr, 2014
Derek I suspect you are being naughty.
Nasturtiums here self sow (far too readily) and the first ones are just appearing. There's heaps of time for them to flower.
12 Apr, 2014
Hi Sue, quite right, lol, Derek.
12 Apr, 2014
last ars seeds are just germinating in my garden at present. If they get frosted some may die but there will be plenty others to come one. They wont have flowers til late may early june.
if they are growing indoors then they need to go outside during the day and brought in on a night. They will flower and seed this year. They are an annual so wont live more than one season.
12 Apr, 2014
Just had another look at this for some reason Derek, and I wonder if you have tried to visualise what the hybrid would look like? Makes me wish I could draw...
5 Dec, 2014
Hi Sue, I've never tried to visualize it , but now you mention it, it would be quite something wouldn't it, pity it's not possible really, Derek.
5 Dec, 2014
I think pelargonium leaves with nasturtium flowers would be quite good, and the cabbage whites wouldn't be interested! They'd have to be the none straggling ones though. In your dreams...
5 Dec, 2014
Hi Sue, yes, in my dreams :-), Derek.
6 Dec, 2014
It's not too late at all, Wildlife. Don't plant them out in the garden just yet - I think it's best to wait until they have a bit more root and are stronger. They are likely to flower in June for you.
12 Apr, 2014