By Lynn08
Hi, I have a half hardy fuchsia that I tried to overwinter in a shed, it has survived but obviously didn't enjoy it that much as all of the leaves and new growth are at the top of the plant and there are long bare stems at the bottom. I thought of taking lots of cuttings but the stems are quite woody, would this work?? If not, I suppose the best thing would be to wait for it to put on some more growth and take softwood cuttings, any ideas?
13 Apr, 2014
I saw a tip on Beechgrove garden the other night about misting the stems to soften them to help the buds break.
13 Apr, 2014
This is quite normal so don't worry. Bring it into somewhere a bit warmer if you have space. Cut it back as SBG says, at least half way. Spray the remaining stems with cool water, keep the compost moist but not wet and new buds will form on the lower stems and possible also shoot up from the base. Fuchsias will go completely dormant over winter if left almost completely dry and start into growth again in Spring.
I've found that plants flower more freely on completely new growth than on last years stems anyway..
13 Apr, 2014
That's great news, I thought I'd ruined it!! Thanks for all your advice.
14 Apr, 2014
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I'd be tempted to prune the stems back by half and then they will grow new stems and soft wood cuttings are better taken late summer.
13 Apr, 2014