By 47lsqw11
United Kingdom
Allotment hut burned by arsonists. Adjoining autumn raspberry canes seared but not destoyed. ? Leave then or prune away damaged branches?
31 May, 2010
Yep. Just prune off anything that doesn't sprout.
31 May, 2010
So sorry to hear of this mindless destruction. Hope the raspberry canes and anything else not completely burned recovers. On the positive side, burning is often used as a measure to clear out various bug infestations and much of the undergrowth (in this case - roots and un-germinated seeds) often recovers to grow better and bug-free. I hope that's the case for you. :o)
1 Jun, 2010
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I'd leave them for now to let them regrow if possible.
31 May, 2010