By Johnpatton
United Kingdom
how do i eradicate wicken from my garden
31 May, 2010
Me neither...
31 May, 2010
Wicken is a type of grass. Suppose you would spray it with weedkiller like any other grass
31 May, 2010
I did google it, but got lots of stuff about Wicca and some village called Wicken...
31 May, 2010
I think it's another name for couch grass ?
31 May, 2010
Type in Wicken grass, When page pops up go down page to Bide-a-Wee Nursery. Can get different types eg variegated, some people grow these as ornamental grass. Have you got photo of your wicken? I remember when i was little, helping my dad to weed the grass and he would say "Make sure you get allof the wicken grass out" I seem to remember it was thick green grass with large feathery heads
31 May, 2010
Shirley i think you are right Could not think of it's other name
31 May, 2010
My mum used to call couch grass wicken ... wicked wicken as I recall! It pulls up easily enough tho' ... roots & all ... if you get it right at the bottom?
31 May, 2010
Yep its couch grass. !!! I have plenty on my need to take out every little piece......else it will grow a new shoot.......patience is the key can of course spray with time is Sept/Oct when it starts to die will hopefully take the spray down into its roots and kill have to keep doing it though.....
31 May, 2010
Previous question
I have no clue as to what wicken is ...
31 May, 2010