By Nariz
Now a clematis question ... having lost my jasminium officionale to the harsh winter, and planning to move the rhododendron from the tub and into the garden, I now have two large 60 cm diameter tubs which would be perfect for an early flowering and a later flowering clematis to climb up some trellis and ramble over the roof of a gateway. I rather fancy Nelly Moser and a purple variety. Can anyone advise me which varieties do best in containers?
1 Jun, 2010
I would think most of them would be okay Nariz, i'm no expert though so see what others say.
1 Jun, 2010
have just looked up in my Clematis book and they suggest 'Miss Bateman' ideal for container culture. I have one in my gdn for growing over an arch, I cut it right back last year and it has gone mad this year will send a photo,(if I can!!) it flowers May/June Sorry can't seem to send you a photo
1 Jun, 2010
Any of the new cultivars labelled as 'patio clematis' will be good in tubs as they have been bred to be shorter and more floriferous. Head for the nearest garden centre with your credit card!!
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Ladybug, I'm glad to hear Nelly Moser does well - forget the honeysuckle! I've been nurturing one here for two years and not seen a flower yet!
Thanks Vileve, Miss Bateman sounds a good companion for Nelly Moser.
Wish I could, Volunteer, but GC's are few and far between here in the north of Spain. It's going to be a 'visitor job' for family members to bring over from Britain.
Thanks for your helpful answers guys. :o)))
1 Jun, 2010
The President does pretty well in a pot, as does Elsa Spath (syn Xerxes)
1 Jun, 2010
How about mail order? Try Evison's.
1 Jun, 2010
i had the nelly moser in a pot and it did very well,i also had a scented montana but never knew the name,what about honysuckle that does ok too
1 Jun, 2010