By Koicarp
United Kingdom
When should I start feeding runner beans? When the flowers set or when the pods form? And is it same answer for other legumes? Thanks in anticipation!
1 Jun, 2010
You can water in any proprietary plant food. They will appreciate any that you can give.
1 Jun, 2010
Runner beans as legumes make their own nitrogen from the air with nodules on their roots, so they don't need 'feeding' as Moon grower says. What they do need is a deep water retentive soil so that they are never short of moisture at the roots.
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Bertie was beginning to wonder if I'd lost the plot!
1 Jun, 2010
We don't 'feed' any veg. once it is planted. We do feed the soil before planting though.
1 Jun, 2010