By Amy
United Kingdom
I bought a plant yesterday from the plant centre at Blickling Hall this is the name on the label ...' Marmera peltata '.. the lady at the counter couldn't tell me anything .. can someone please tell me what kind of conditions it likes to grow in .. Thanks
1 Jun, 2010
You can't find it as it is called Darmera peltata... Guess the Garden Centre misread the D as an M.
It's supposedly a bit like a Gunnera, though I have never come across it.
1 Jun, 2010
Do you mean Darmera Peltata? - featured at Chelsea FS last year
1 Jun, 2010
Sorry we posted at the same time BertieF
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone , i've looked at the label the M could be a D it actually looks more like an upside down U ... I might find it in my book now , I don't want it o be a Gunnera as I haven't the wet conditions for it .... Thanks for the infomation ...
1 Jun, 2010
I found this on the internet Amy
Darmera's flower stalks emerge from the ground on naked stems in spring, and are followed by cupped, rounded but indented leaves up to 24 inches across. The foliage forms a lovely, vase-like clump, 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. The flower clusters are composed of many 5-petaled, starry, pink or white florets with conspicuous stamens. This native of the western U.S. is found growing along woodland stream banks, and helps to add a tropical look to temperate gardens. Darmera makes a distinct and long-lasting foliage statement in moist conditions, and exhibits autumn color also.
Noteworthy characteristics: Large leaves and clusters of starry flowers on naked stems.
Care: Plant in sun or partial shade and moist or boggy soil. It can tolerate drier conditions as well.
Propagation: Sow seed in a cold frame in spring or fall. Divide in spring.
Problems: Usually trouble-free.
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Drc .thats kind of you . I have just found exactly the same one and was about to write it out for you .. .. I might have to put the plant in a big tub to keep it moist because my ground is dry most of the time .. Thanks for taking the trouble to look for me ...... :o))
1 Jun, 2010
Isn't this the plant that Sanbaz showed us a few weeks ago, Amy?
What a lovely place to buy a plant. Have you been to Blickling Hall before? I suspect you have... I remember visiting there some years ago. :-)
1 Jun, 2010
I wasn't sure Barbara but now that I've found out more about it I believe it is like the one San showed us I'm going back to check her photos ..
We often go to Blickling Hall I put a blog on about it a short time ago before the Wisteria was in bloom... I promised that when the Wisteria was ready I would go back to take some photos of it which I did yesterday , they are on my pics. today ... ... :o)
1 Jun, 2010
Oooh good - I'll take a look later. Sorry I missed your previous blog - you understand why I'm missing a lot at the moment!
1 Jun, 2010
I suspect you are busy preparing for your open garden day Barbara , I wish you the very best of luck with that , it's hard work getting everything as you would like it , we had an open evening for a small market towns Horticultural Society last Friday plus a plant stall , they come to us each year , I was so busy all week baking cakes etc. I always say never again but we always do ! , it was a good evening and judging by their comments they enjoyed it ...
1 Jun, 2010
Well done, Amy. That sounds like a lovely evening. People will always buy home-made cakes, won't they - I don't blame tnem!
Yes, of course you're right. I'm indoors today due to the weather apart from a walkabout with the man from the local Nursery who are doing the plant stall this year. He wanted to see what plants I grow so he can bring some of them.
I've been writing plant lists of my plants for sale, plus tidying ready for the never stops!
1 Jun, 2010
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I can't find it in any of my books, so I would think it is an exotic from somewhere.
1 Jun, 2010