By Katnip
United Kingdom
What have I done to my freesias? 5 to a pot as recommended, indoor variety so live in the greenhouse, no sign of bugs, aphids etc. Overwatering? Too hot/cold? There are 10 pots of these and 9 of them look like this :(

1 Jun, 2010
Oh dear - they seem to have missed a stage then, not got as far as flowering. Thanks for your reply :)
1 Jun, 2010
Scorched by the sun maybe?? Being too close to the window. Or too cold at night time
1 Jun, 2010
some of mine did this in the grrenhouse, after they got too hot. they are throwing up flowers so dont give up hope let. :o)
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks for the replies - they are at the back of the greenhouse close to the glass, and it got to 32 degrees in there a couple of weeks ago before I damped down (despite shading and vents open on full - so your thoughts must be right.
Thanks Seaburn I'll keep my fingers crossed
2 Jun, 2010
Fressia leaves can go brown and die off after flowering, when they die back dry corms and store for next year. (Little bit of info:) Fressias like to be planted close about 6 in a 5" pot.
1 Jun, 2010