By Dofrey
My rosebuds seem stunted and there are tiny grubslike creatures on them.What are they and how can I treat them?
1 Jun, 2010
Thanks Mobee,I have been looking on the internet and I am sure now they are rose midges.It seems the only cure are chemical treatments that I hope I can find here in Spain.Looks like another vist to the garden center!!!
1 Jun, 2010
Welcome to this site you will gain some excellent help from both amateur gardeners and some proffesionals. We also love to hear about your garden big or small.
1 Jun, 2010
Previous question
« cordyline leaves are dead and no new growth what shall i do?
Hi dofrey think it might be sort of "aphids" Sp? You would need to buy a spray to kill these of (spray for roses) i wash mine down also with dishwasher great job,and keep an eye on them
1 Jun, 2010