By Rheeston
United Kingdom
we have a large wild life pond. What is the best way to control blanket weed and duck weed?
1 Jun, 2010
Blanket weed.....the stuff is a nightmare!!! If you find anything that works please let me know, think I've tried everything to shift it.
1 Jun, 2010
all this weed as you call it and everyone does is infact single celled plants joined together the same as algi . trouble is nature likes duck weed etc as its somewear to hide or something to eat but if you want it clearer you cut out the sun.these single cell plants love lots of sun and need it . if you see a pond with lots of lillies you will see that the water is very clear underneath as the lillies take the algi`s food and light . if you look at a pond that has no lillies it will be very winter this changes and even ponds with lillies will get an algi/duckweed bloom in spring before the lillies get growing properly . the only other way but i dont suggest this for a nature pond is to get a lot of shade for your pond .i have a pagoda with split bamboo on a roll across it for my 2000 gallon pond and apart from a little tannin ie natural stain that you get in teabags it is clearer than my tap water honestly. you could get uv but they lose there spectrums that kill algi every year,there expensive and you need a pump . also duckweed wont go in them either.i would get enough lillies to cover half the surfice and maybe some oxyginating plant the other end and that will sort it out .
1 Jun, 2010
How deep's your pond, blanket weed will grow more in shallow water, Loves sunlight. You need to cover at least one third of your pond, you could put a water lily in. There are sevearl products you can use, Crystal Clear is one of them, just add to pond, makers guarentee clear water. (never tried it) You could also use barley straw, comes in different sizes, Just throw in pond, Think it clears water up to 6months
1 Jun, 2010
A combination of running water, filter, barley straw and lots of plants. Good luck.
1 Jun, 2010
just lillies ie shade will do it perfectly as grandad reiterated . barly straw is ugly and tempery at best and personaly id never use chemicals and never have .
1 Jun, 2010
Please DONT use chemicals in a wildlife pond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think of your wildlife you are its protector
1 Jun, 2010
Having had blanket weed invasions every year for the first 5 years of having a pond, we tried most things. We had barley straw, filter with uv light, waterfall, oxygenator plants, surface covering plants, everything. I then resorted to 'Cloverleaf Blanket Answer' 2 years ago. It's supposed to last 6 months but that was 2 years ago and we haven't had blanket weed since. It supposedly doesn't harm wildlife, fish or plants. I did notice the plants didn't flower as well the first year but have been fine since and fish and wildlife doesn't appear to have been affected.
1 Jun, 2010
As you have wild life you have to keep taking it out and shade the water with plants growing in it and around it. Barley straw will also help with the algae you have?
1 Jun, 2010