The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Treetop

West Midlands, United Kingdom

I have some Escallonia shrubs at the bottom of my garden, a couple have developed a few black spots on the lower leaves. How should I treat this and what with please?
Sorry guys I have asked this question already, I am getting senile.



There is a fungal disease called Escalonia leaf spot but it doesn't cause those darkened leaves as far as i know. The yellow ones seem to be normal at this time of year, on my bush anyway, and it never gets any worse - just remove them if they bother you but check that they haven't got tiny white spots in the middle of the black ones, in which case its the fungus.

If you google black patches escallonia leaves there are some good pics and advice.

1 May, 2014


Escallonia does tend to lose it lower leaves even though it's an evergreen. A treatment of Epsom Salts does help as yellowing can be caused by magnesium deficiency. I grew Escallonia iveyi as a hedge but mine lost lots of lower leaves and held on to the dead flowers so it went to the great compost heap in the sky and is now a healthy yew hedge.

1 May, 2014


Thanks guys, I'll just keep removing the spotted leaves and hope it survives..

1 May, 2014

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