United Kingdom
Please advise on a suitable climbing plant to cover a north facing wall which is in shade due to trees and hedge opposite. Fast or fairly fast growing would be ideal and something with colour even better. Thank you
2 Jun, 2010
Thank you. Peter Le B
2 Jun, 2010
How about morning glory. I am growing the ipomoea one with white flowers with streaks of purple and pink on the flowers.
They seem to grow extrememly quickly for me.
2 Jun, 2010
No good in shade, Alextb - for a start, the flowers only open in the morning and in sun, and its only an annual.
2 Jun, 2010
Hydrangea petiolaris is self clinging, does well in the shade and will brighten the wall with it's white flowers.
2 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Hydrangea anomala, Schizophragma integrifolia
2 Jun, 2010